Five things I learned at the age of 23

  1. Not everything in life goes to plan – and thats okay

    You may have had a designated ‘life plan’ in mind, but you may get side tracked. Thats fine, and perfectly normal. You may stray down a different route entirely, or simply find your way back – but either way that is the pathway that you was meant to meet, and you will eventually end up where your meant to be. It may be ideal to have some idea of where you want to go, but it is important to also live your life in the present, as opposed to the past or the future.


2. Bad things happen, it is inevitable.

Everyone is going to experience a bad day, some worse than others. You may observe that someone has had a bad day, experience or event and feel somewhat sympathetic or if not unsympathetic towards them. But, the truth is, that you are likely to experience a situation similar to them at some point in your life, but may be of a higher or lesser extent. Therefore, it’s important to take today for what it is now, but to perhaps offer a shoulder for anyone experiencing a ‘bad’ day, as we all need it from time to time. But, also to prepare yourself for days that may not be as fortunate as the ones that you are experiencing now.


3) ‘Adulting’ is hard, incredibly hard.

What with the rising mortgages, cars, expenditure etc it is hard to even get your foot in the doorstep, especially now in the 21st century. I’m still trying to get my head round this, but it’s important to begin to think partially about your future, as every little step is a milestone closer to becoming a somewhat ‘adult’. Start by researching with an open mind, and then you have plenty of time to build up to being an ‘adult’, you will have to have patience and not rush into anything.


4) Focus on your own life.

I found that some people are tempted to get wrapped up in other peoples lives, that they don’t focus on their own. I think that it’s crucial to put your own life as a priority, and work on becoming a better version of yourself. Not to worry about the opinions of others so much, unless it’s positive or constructive. Focus on your dreams, get a hobby, go for a run – be proactive.


5) Don’t take anything for granted – anything at all.

You may be so caught up in your everyday routine that you forget to take life for what it is. To socialise with your family and friends, trips to the beach, just appreciate the sound of nature. All these things are taken for granted in return for focusing on our working lives. Although this is at the forefront, we need to not forget to appreciate the fact that we are living, but also that we have our friends and relatives present. But ultimately, the world is your:


Thank you for reading ❤

If there is anything you learned by your present age, feel free to comment 🙂 OX



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